I write freelance and research pieces on sociotechnical issues in data and the intersections and borders between technology and social power structures. My work appears in blogs, magazines, newsletters, and academic publications.


Reijerkerk, D.The Creative CoLab, Artificial Intelligence, and Web Comics at ART | library deco,” Metropolitan Archivist (July 2024 issue).

Reijerkerk, D.Learn About the Relational Possibilities of Generative AI and Data Literacy,” Biblio-Notes 23 (Spring 2024).

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D.Librarian Mentorship through Mutual Scholarship: An Approach to Foster Higher Morale and Strengthen Collegiality,” In Monica D.T. Rysavy, Russel S. Michalak, Trevor A. Dawes, and Jon Cawthorne (eds.), Toxic Cultures in Higher Education (ACRL Publications, 2024).

Reijerkerk, D., Preate, S. M., Deane, C., and Willis, S. Evaluating the State of the Cultural Heritage Field: Costs of Digitizing Still Images - Summary Report and Key Findings, Digital Library Federation Assessment Interest Group Costs of Digitization Subgroup


Reijerkerk, D. & Reed, C. “Archives, Decolonization, and the Politics of Tribal Sovereignty: An Examination of Accessibility Barriers to Indigenous Federal Recognition Research in the United States,” The American Archivist 86, no.2 (2023).

Awarded the Society of American Archivists’ Fellows’ Ernst Posner Award. This competitive prestigious award is given to an “outstanding essay dealing with some facet of archival administration, history, theory, and/or methodology that was published during the preceding year in The American Archivist.

Tarver, H., Klose A., Mastrovita, M. Reijerkerk, D., and Fried, R. “Issues in Authority Control: Case Studies in Name Authority Records and Platform User Experience Design,” Digital Library Federation Blog, October 20, 2023.

Buffa, D., E.T. Thompson, K., Reijerkerk, D. et al. “Understanding Constraints to Adaptation Using a Community-Centred Toolkit,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 378, no.1889 (2023).

Reijerkerk, D. & Nyitray, K. J. “A Role by Any Other Name: A Content Analysis of Digital Asset Management on Library and Archives Job Boards,” Journal of Digital Media Management 11, no.2 (2023): 180-189.

“A very useful paper both for employers trying to keep current on other roles in the field and for professors and students preparing for emerging library specializations.” – Journal of Digital Media Management Editorial Board

Reijerkerk, D. & Nyitray, K. J. “(Re)moving Indigenous Knowledge Boundaries: A Review of Library and Archives Collection Literature Since the Enactment of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).” Collection Management 48, no.1 (2023): 22-47.

Knazook, B. et al. WorldFAIR Project Deliverable D13.2 Recommendations for Harmonising, Streamlining, or Improving Metadata and Semantics in the Cultural Heritage Image Sharing Landscape White Paper. May 19, 2023. Dublin, Ireland: Digital Repository of Ireland. Grant No.: 101058393 WorldFAIR: Global cooperation on FAIR data policy and practice.

Reijerkerk, D., Fried, R., and Mastrovita, M. “Five Tips for Rapid Metadata Assessment,” Digital Library Federation Blog, May 15, 2023.


Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D.From Pathfinder to Indigenized: An Assessment of LibGuides for Indigenous Studies by ARL Member Institutions,” College & Research Libraries 83, no.6 (2022): 1014-1031.

Nyitray, K. J., Reijerkerk, D., & Kretz, C. “‘There Will Be an End, But We Don’t Know When’: Preserving Diverse COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences through Oral History.” Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals 18, no.2 (2022): 280-300.

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D. “Searching for Paumanok: Methodology for a Study of Library of Congress Authorities and Classifications for Indigenous Long Island, New York.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 60, no.1 (2022): 19-44.

Reijerkerk, D. & Nyitray, K. J. “Mind the (Training) Gap: A Case Study in Assessing Metadata Competences by Transforming Records for a Multi-System Migration.” In Marlee D. Givens and Sofia Slutskaya (eds.), Transforming Technical Services through Training and Development (ALA Editions, 2022).

“Most technical service areas accept the need for training, but the quality of that training can vary markedly. While budgets are a factor, they are only part of the bigger picture and this book demonstrates that training can be addressed without being defined by budget limitations.” - Catherine Gilbert, Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, April 2024

“Well-researched and written, this slim volume delivers an excellent starting point for any library considering designing or reimagining a training program or project.” – Linda Frederiksen, Library Journal reviews, March 2023

“The underpinning principles and concepts presented throughout the book are applicable to any library area. In fact, the re-envisioning of libraries as learning organizations where change is expected and anticipated demands a supportive framework for training librarywide. Creating a culture of continuous learning enables staff to adapt and make changes quickly, in technical services and every other area of the library.” — Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, https://doi.org/10.1080/1941126X.2023.2197806

Mastrovita, M., Reijerkerk, D., Fried, R., & Klose, A. “Metadata During COVID – Part II,” Digital Library Federation Blog, November 1, 2022.

Mastrovita, M., Reijerkerk, D., Fried, R. “DLF AIG Metadata Assessment Series,” Digital Library Federation Blog, June 17, 2022.


Kretz, C., Payne, C., & Reijerkerk, D.Study Room Time Machine: Creating a Virtual Library Escape Game During COVID-19.” College & Undergraduate Libraries 28, no.3-4 (2021): 273-295.

Reijerkerk, D. “Open Access Mandates and Indigenous Materials: Ways to Ethically Collaborate.” In What’s emerging in the field? Essays from the MCN 2020 VIRTUAL Scholarship Program Recipients (Museum Computer Network, 2021).

Awarded a Museum Computer Network Fellowship for this piece.

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D.Digital Repository Legacies: A Case Study in Assessing Organizational Trustworthiness,” Journal of Library Administration 61, no.7 (2021): 793-812.

Less than 30% of submitted manuscripts reach publication. “Of the plethora of published articles that discuss digital, institutional repositories, few approach the issue of combining existing repositories in to a ‘mono-repository environment’, although, in this case the result was three repositories.” – Manuscript reviewer

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D.Searching for Paumanok: A Study of Library of Congress Authorities and Classifications for Indigenous Long Island, New York.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 59, no.5 (2021): 409-441.

Berdini, A. et al. “Remote Transfers and Site Visits for Born-Digital Collections: Reflections from the Field,” Digital Library Federation Blog, October 21, 2021.

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D., “Using Native-Land.ca Data for Studying Indigenous Long Island, New York.” Native-lands.ca Blog (Guest Post), September 27, 2021.

2020 and Earlier

Reijerkerk, D. “UX Design in Online Catalogs: Practical Issues with Implementing Traditional Knowledge (TK) Labels.” First Monday 25, no.8 (2020).

Lin, Y. & Reijerkerk, D. “Fuzzy Trace Theory’s Implications on Chinese Language Acquisition: An Innovative Psycholinguistic Cognitive Approach,” Proceedings of Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education Conference, Jan. 3-6, 2017.