
Reijerkerk, D. and Keeton, k. “Relational Possibilities: Using Generative AI in Artful Digital Storytelling with Black and Indigenous Aesthetic Forms,” Workshop, Virtual Digital Library Federation Forum, October 22 - 23, 2024. Accepted

Invited Lectures

Reijerkerk, D. & Keeton, K. “The Relational Possibilities Data Art Project: Remixing, Decolonizing, and Connecting Digital Community Archives and Data Science,” Invited Presentation, Department of Information, University of North Texas, April 26, 2024. (virtual).

Reijerkerk, D. “The Bureaucracies of Indigeneity and Open Access: Achieving and Undermining Change,” Invited lecture. INFO 679 Museums & Digital Culture: Theory and Practice (3 credits), Pratt Institute School of Information, Sara DeYoung (instructor), October 12, 2023. (virtual).

Reijerkerk, D. & Nyitray, K. J. “Mind the (Training) Gap: Assessing Metadata Competences During a Multi-System Migration.” Invited lecture. American Library Association Core Webinar Series. Hosted by Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures. July 19, 2023. Virtual.

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D. “Librarian Mentorship through Mutual Scholarship: An Approach to Foster Higher Morale and Strengthen Collegiality.” Invited lecture. ACRL/NY Professional Development Committee Fall 2022 Program, September 30, 2022.

Reijerkerk, D. “Indigenous Open Access Issues in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAMS),” Invited lecture. INFO 679 Museums & Digital Culture: Theory and Practice (3 credits), Pratt Institute School of Information, Sara DeYoung (instructor), October 13, 2022.

Reijerkerk, D. “Indigenous Religious Traditions,” Invited lecture. Human Development Undergraduate College Seminar: Varieties of Religion (1 credit), Reverend Brenda Ford (instructor), Stony Brook, NY, March 21, 2022.

Reijerkerk, D. ”Indigenous Open Access Issues,” Invited lecture. INFO 679 Museums and Digital Culture: Theory and Practice (3 credits), Pratt Institute School of Information, Sara DeYoung (instructor), October 20, 2021.

Reijerkerk, D. “Indigenous Religious Traditions: Four Common Religious Practices”, Invited lecture. Human Development Undergraduate College Seminar: Varieties of Religion (1 credit), Reverend Brenda Ford (instructor), Stony Brook, NY, March 29, 2021.

Reijerkerk, D. “Indigenous religious traditions: Holistic practices, plants, roots, and Indigenous traditions”, Invited lecture. Human Development Undergraduate College Seminar: Varieties of Religion (1 credit), Reverend Brenda Ford (instructor), Stony Brook, NY, March 9, 2020.

Conference Presentations

Nyitray, K.J. & Reijerkerk, D. “Prophesying AI: Archivists’ Emotional Labor and the Duality of Public Encounters and Private Personas in the Archive,” Digital Public History in a Divided World: Stories, Collaborations, Complexities, Futures, Centre for Public History, Queen’s University Belfast Annual Conference, September 12-13, 2024. Virtual.

Reijerkerk, D. and Keeton, k. “Relational Possibilities: Using Generative Artificial Intelligence in Artful Digital Storytelling with Black and Indigenous Aesthetic Forms,” Interactive Film and Media Virtual Conference, June 12-14, 2024.

Reijerkerk, D. & Keeton, k. “The Relational Possibilities Data Art Project: Remixing, Decolonizing, and Connecting Digital Community Archives and Data Science” BitCurator Forum, March 18-22, 2024. (virtual).

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D. “Searching for Paumanok: Enhancing Access to Indigenous Long Island in Research Collections,” “Transcending Barriers: Opening Archives, Opening Minds.” Invited Keynote. Long Island Library Resources Council Annual Archives Conference, Old Westbury, New York, October 23, 2023.

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D. “Embedding Decolonizing Methodologies in Open Educational Resources (OERs) for Indigenous Studies.” Lightning talk. State University of New York *SUNY) Open Educational Resource (OER) Summit, October 11 - 12, 2023. (virtual).

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D. “Transliteracy in Archives: Engaging Students with Primary Sources.” Pre-recorded presentation. IFLA World Library and Information Congress Satellite Session, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands. August 18, 2023.

Reijerkerk, D. & Nyitray, K. J. “A Role by Any Other Name: Advertising and Recruiting for Digital Asset Management on Library and Archives Job Boards.” Lightning talk. New York Archives Conference. June 16, 2023.

Reijerkerk, D. & Nyitray, K. J. “Reality Bytes: Strategies for Evaluating and Communicating the Virtual Realities of Digital Repositories.” Presentation, Southern Miss Institutional Repository Conference, University of Southern Mississippi. April 27-28, 2023. Open access link

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D. “Archives Unmasked: Transforming the Lone Arranger through Inclusivity and Trust.” Presentation, Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York Symposium. January 26-27, 2023.

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D. “Radical Acceptance in the Archive: Emotionality of Acquiring and Letting Go of Collections.” Presentation, Archives and Emotions Conference, Department of Library Information and Archive Sciences, Faculty of Media & Knowledge Sciences (MAKS) of the University of Malta and the Department of Politics, History and International Relations, Aston University of Birmingham, October 7, 2022.

Nyitray, K. J., Reijerkerk D., & Sapon-White, R. “Without Warrant: Strategies for Remedying LOC’s Exclusion of Indigenous Communities in New York and Oregon,” Presentation, ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Conference, “What Now? Reflection, Reckoning, and Recovery,” New Haven, CT, June 23, 2022.

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D. “Digital Repository Legacies: A Case Study in Assessing Organizational Trustworthiness.” Presentation, Northeast Institutional Repository Day, December 2, 2021. Open access link

Reed, C. & Reijerkerk, D. “Building a Culture of Empathy During a Pandemic.” Presentation, SUNYLA Annual Conference, June 17, 2021.

Nyitray, K. J., Kretz, C., & Reijerkerk, D. “From One Institution to All: Documenting the Impact of COVID-19,” Presentation, New York Archives Conference. June 11, 2021.

Reijerkerk, D. & Nyitray, K. J. “The Art of Metadata Management: Navigating an IR Migration Remotely Across Departmental Boundaries,” Presentation, Southern Miss Institutional Repository Conference, University of Southern Mississippi, April 29-30, 2021.

Lin, Y. & Reijerkerk, D. “How Trace Theory Affects Chinese Language Learning,” Presentation, National Chinese Language Conference. Chicago, IL, 2016.

Lin, Y. & Reijerkerk, D. “How Trace Theory Affects Chinese Language Learning,” Presentation, Foreign Language Association of North Carolina Conference. Durham, NC, 2016.

Panel Presentations

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D. “Game (Not) Over: The Genesis, Death, and Afterlife of a Video Game Archive.” Item not Found: Accounting for Loss in Libraries, Archives and Other Heritage and Memory Institutions, University of California Los Angeles William Andrews Clark Memorial Library and Oakland University Libraries. March 8-9, 2023. Co-authored presentation delivered in absentia on my behalf.

Gilbert, S., Levatino, K., Reed, C., Reijerkerk, D., & Werginz, R. “Employment Series: New Librarian Panel,” Invited panelist, Long Island Library Resources Council Continuing Education Webinar. May 6, 2021.

Lin, Y. & Reijerkerk, D. “Inspiring and Engaging Students to Learn Through Project-Based Learning,” Presentation, National Chinese Language Conference. Chicago, IL, 2016.

Poster Presentations

Reijerkerk, D. & Nyitray, K. J. “More than Remotely Possible: Flexible Work Arrangements for Inclusive Recruitment and Retention of Academic Librarians.” Virtual Poster. Society of American Archivists Research Forum at ArchivesRecords, Joint Annual Meeting of the Council of State Archivists and the Society of American Archivists*, July 12-19, 2023. Open access link

Nyitray, K. J. & Reijerkerk, D. “From Pathfinder to Indigenized: An Assessment of LibGuides for Indigenous Studies by ARL Member Institutions.” Virtual Poster. Society of American Archivists Research Forum at ArchivesRecords, Joint Annual Meeting of the Council of State Archivists and the Society of American Archivists*, July 12-19, 2023.Open access link

Reijerkerk, D. & Reed, C. “Mutual Aid through Mindfulness: Building Morale Through Partnerships.” Lightning poster presentation, ACRL/NY Symposium “Collegiality, Morale, and Mutual Aid” (Virtual), Dec 2 -3, 2021.

Reijerkerk, D. & Kennedy, K. “Onboarding challenges post-alma migration at stony brook university libraries”, Virtual Poster Presentation, SUNYLA Annual Conference, June 2020.

Cox, T., Reijerkerk, D., & Peterson, R. “A Digital Souvenir: The 1900 Automobile Club 1,000 Mile Trial.” Poster Presentation, Archives * Records Conference. Washington D.C., 2018.