I’m speaking at the National Archives in the UK about my book chapter on emotional labor and archivists next week! This is a free online book launch event where you can ask myself and the other authors of the book questions.
Archives and Emotions: International Dialogues Across Past, Present, and Future is an academic book about the emotional dynamics, emotions themselves, and emotional effects on archivists, researchers, and the construction and management of archives.
This edited volume is the first to put archivists and historians together to discuss the interplay of a broad range of emotions and archives from the eighteenth to the twenty-first centuries across national and disciplinary borders.
This publication is part of my archives and AI research theme I began in 2022 where I explore sociotechnical issues between AI and the practicalities of Archives.
Some of my past topics I wrote about or gave a talk on included:
- using generative AI in data storytelling
- emotionality of acquiring and letting go of archival collections
- the duality of public encounters and private personas in the Archive
- training an AI librarian chat bot