AI (6) Animation (6) Archives (1) Award (3) Client Work (11) Collaborations (1) Comic (2) DAM (3) Dashboard (1) Data Analysis (1) Data Migration (1) Data Science (2) Data Visualization (1) Decolonization (1) Education (3) Illustration (1) Looker (1) Museum Exhibit (1) Newsletter (7) Projects (7) Public Speaking (6) Research (10) Services (11) UI Design (2) UX Design (1) Video Game (14) Writing (17)

 AI (6)

Come hear me speak about AI, Archives, and Emotions at a free hybrid conference at the Centre for Public History at Queen's University Belfast in Northern Ireland
The Relational Possibilities Project Wins Honorable Mention for the Library Juice Press, the Vattemare Award
Hear About Our Methods for The Relational Possibilities Project
The Relational Possibilities Project Appears in Biblio-Notes
I'm Presenting about AI and Archivists' Emotional Labor in Northern Ireland
I'm presenting my generative AI, video game, art exhibition project at BitCurator Forum

 Animation (6)

Goodbye "Hear Me, Hear You," and Hello Top-Down JRPG Game
Hear Me, Hear You is Now Out
Hear Me, Hear You Official Game Trailer is Out on YouTube Now
Play as a monster eager to make NEW FRIENDS
All Are Welcome Video Game Official Trailer Out Now
I'm presenting at the Interactive Film & Media Conference in Toronto, Canada

 Archives (1)

Come hear me speak about AI, Archives, and Emotions at a free hybrid conference at the Centre for Public History at Queen's University Belfast in Northern Ireland

 Award (3)

The Relational Possibilities Project Wins Honorable Mention for the Library Juice Press, the Vattemare Award
The Society of American Archivists Officially Announced my Award-Winning Article
I Won the SAA Fellows' Ernst Posner Award For My Writing

 Client Work (11)

How Digital Asset Management Helps With Data Management
Read About My Freelancing Work with ART | library deco in Metropolitan Archivist
How Digital Asset Management Report Templates Save You Time
Grab a copy of a free DAM Project Plan Template
I'm available for remote freelance contracts and projects!
I'm a data freelancer and consultant who provides sociotechnical services
Get the TL;DR of Recognition Politics in the US
Museum Exhibit on the History of Japanese Artists in NYC Pre-WW2 is Live
Check out my latest webcomic and the ART | library deco newsletter
I finished a costs of digitization data science project
Meet the decol Futures Brand

 Collaborations (1)

New Profile Photo by Esskaden

 Comic (2)

Check out my latest webcomic and the ART | library deco newsletter
Reflections of a Data Professional Comic

 DAM (3)

How Digital Asset Management Helps With Data Management
How Digital Asset Management Report Templates Save You Time
Grab a copy of a free DAM Project Plan Template

 Dashboard (1)

I finished a costs of digitization data science project

 Data Analysis (1)

I finished a costs of digitization data science project

 Data Migration (1)

The Dreaded Database Migration Problem is We Forget Staff Are Users Too

 Data Science (2)

I'm presenting at the Interactive Film & Media Conference in Toronto, Canada
I finished a costs of digitization data science project

 Data Visualization (1)

New Newsletter Issue - Look at How Cool Your Data Can be Presented

 Decolonization (1)

Issue 4 of the DecolFutures Newsletter is Out!

 Education (3)

How Digital Asset Management Helps With Data Management
How Digital Asset Management Report Templates Save You Time
Grab a copy of a free DAM Project Plan Template

 Illustration (1)

New Profile Photo by Esskaden

 Looker (1)

I finished a costs of digitization data science project

 Museum Exhibit (1)

Museum Exhibit on the History of Japanese Artists in NYC Pre-WW2 is Live

 Newsletter (7)

New decolFutures Newsletter - Math is Your Data Nerd Best Friend
Should You Join a Professional Group?
New Newsletter Issue - Look at How Cool Your Data Can be Presented
The Dreaded Database Migration Problem is We Forget Staff Are Users Too
July Issue of the DecolFutures Newsletter is Now Out
Issue 4 of the DecolFutures Newsletter is Out!
Check out my latest webcomic and the ART | library deco newsletter

 Projects (7)

I'm Bringing TV Reruns to the Spooktober Visual Novel Jam
I Test Out Making a JRPG in GameMaker With My Latest Game Jam Project
The Relational Possibilities Project Wins Honorable Mention for the Library Juice Press, the Vattemare Award
My month of 4 game jams and what's next for my indie game dev adventure
Using the IIIF Workbench to Make a Dope Black Visual Archive
2023 NaMoWriMo Novel Writing Challenge Complete!
Full Release of "All Are Welcome" Video Game

 Public Speaking (6)

Come hear me speak about AI, Archives, and Emotions at a free hybrid conference at the Centre for Public History at Queen's University Belfast in Northern Ireland
Hear About Our Methods for The Relational Possibilities Project
I'm Presenting about AI and Archivists' Emotional Labor in Northern Ireland
I'm presenting at the Interactive Film & Media Conference in Toronto, Canada
I'm presenting my generative AI, video game, art exhibition project at BitCurator Forum
Upcoming October 2023 Conference Presentations

 Research (10)

Hear About Our Methods for The Relational Possibilities Project
The Relational Possibilities Project Appears in Biblio-Notes
Get the TL;DR of Recognition Politics in the US
I'm Presenting about AI and Archivists' Emotional Labor in Northern Ireland
I'm presenting at the Interactive Film & Media Conference in Toronto, Canada
I'm presenting my generative AI, video game, art exhibition project at BitCurator Forum
Latest Publication - The American Archivist Fall/Winter 2023 issue
Issues in Authority Control DLF Blog Post
Latest Publication - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
Upcoming October 2023 Conference Presentations

 Services (11)

How Digital Asset Management Helps With Data Management
Read About My Freelancing Work with ART | library deco in Metropolitan Archivist
How Digital Asset Management Report Templates Save You Time
Grab a copy of a free DAM Project Plan Template
I'm available for remote freelance contracts and projects!
I'm a data freelancer and consultant who provides sociotechnical services
Get the TL;DR of Recognition Politics in the US
Museum Exhibit on the History of Japanese Artists in NYC Pre-WW2 is Live
Check out my latest webcomic and the ART | library deco newsletter
I finished a costs of digitization data science project
Meet the decol Futures Brand

 UI Design (2)

I'm Bringing TV Reruns to the Spooktober Visual Novel Jam
Museum Exhibit on the History of Japanese Artists in NYC Pre-WW2 is Live

 UX Design (1)

Museum Exhibit on the History of Japanese Artists in NYC Pre-WW2 is Live

 Video Game (14)

A Friday the 13th Teaser For Late Night Surfing
I'm Bringing TV Reruns to the Spooktober Visual Novel Jam
I Test Out Making a JRPG in GameMaker With My Latest Game Jam Project
Goodbye "Hear Me, Hear You," and Hello Top-Down JRPG Game
Hear Me, Hear You is Now Out
Hear Me, Hear You Official Game Trailer is Out on YouTube Now
New Profile Photo by Esskaden
My month of 4 game jams and what's next for my indie game dev adventure
Play a cozy game (I do non-horror now)!
Play as a monster eager to make NEW FRIENDS
All Are Welcome Video Game Official Trailer Out Now
I'm presenting my generative AI, video game, art exhibition project at BitCurator Forum
Announcing "Moonlight" my next upcoming video game
Full Release of "All Are Welcome" Video Game

 Writing (17)

Should You Join a Professional Group?
New Newsletter Issue - Look at How Cool Your Data Can be Presented
The Society of American Archivists Officially Announced my Award-Winning Article
The Dreaded Database Migration Problem is We Forget Staff Are Users Too
Goodbye "Hear Me, Hear You," and Hello Top-Down JRPG Game
Read About My Freelancing Work with ART | library deco in Metropolitan Archivist
July Issue of the DecolFutures Newsletter is Now Out
Hear About Our Methods for The Relational Possibilities Project
I Won the SAA Fellows' Ernst Posner Award For My Writing
The Relational Possibilities Project Appears in Biblio-Notes
Get the TL;DR of Recognition Politics in the US
I finished a costs of digitization data science project
Reflections of a Data Professional Comic
Latest Publication - The American Archivist Fall/Winter 2023 issue
2023 NaMoWriMo Novel Writing Challenge Complete!
Issues in Authority Control DLF Blog Post
Latest Publication - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B