Hear Me, Hear You is a josei body horror adventure game that will make your skin crawl. This is fully voice acted, includes animation, point and click scenes, an unlockable image gallery with fan and concept art, and much more. The full game comes out July 1st and is part of the Josei Game Jam. Check out the official game trailer on YouTube.

I am the game director, creator, and lead indie developer. I put in over 300 hours of work for this two month game jam. I was the main person coding, holding open calls for voice acting, writing the story, editing and selecting audio, adding animations, editing and making the game trailer, promoting the game, and countless hours of motivating my group of eighteen! Game jams are great projects that are what you make them. People on the group came and went over the last 60 days yet The Josei Jammersss stuck it out and we made a truly fantastic indie game that subverts expectations of what josei and horror games can look like.

My favorite aspect of this game is the animation! We used hand drawn animated frames as well as live2d animations. I was also able to incorporate movie files to play some of the more complicated animations timed to sound. I’m also so proud of the image gallery! I’ve wanted to learn how to code that forever and now I can walk away with better coding skills, and experience merging branched code written by others into the master branch.

If you make it chapter 4, you’re in for a user experience design surprise! It’s a little tongue-in-cheek call out against generalized accessibility pratices that are hypocritical (“you must design your game for all users of all abilities” even though this is impossible). The Josei Jammersss focused on sound as a key element of horror and I hope players embrace that throughout our game.