SUNY OER Summit (October 12, 2023)

As part my collaboration with Kristen Nyitray, Director of Special Collections and University Archives and University Archivist at Stony Brook Universtiy, I will present a lighting talk on our UX Design of Indigenous Studies Guides research at the State University of New York *SUNY Open Educational Summit on October 12, 2023. We published our UX assessment framework in College & Research Libraries in 2022.

I’ve written about Indigenous-centric UX Design in First Monday and in my Master’s of Information thesis.

LILRC Archives Conference (October 23, 2023)

As part my collaboration with Kristen Nyitray, Director of Special Collections and University Archives and University Archivist at Stony Brook Universtiy, I will present our Searching for Paumanok research published in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly at the Long Island Library and Resources Council Annual Archives Conference in Old Westbury, NY on October 23rd.

You can read more about this research in our:

  • two-part article on the study and methodology published in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly
  • Blog Guest Post, “Using Data for Studying Indigenous Long Island, New York” []